Rowan University will host the New Jersey Big Data Alliance’s (NJBDA) second annual symposium on Wednesday, April 29, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m in the Eynon Ballroom in the Student Center on the Glassboro campus. “Big Data and the Transformation of Society” will include a keynote address by Raymond Blum, Google’s “International Man of Mystery,” as well as panel discussions that delve into how Big Data (digital data) transforms transportation, healthcare and the workforce, as well as ramifications for privacy.
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“Rowan University is exceptionally suited to host this symposium, given our growing presence in the Big Data arena. With two medical schools and associated hospitals handling more than a one and a half million patient visits; nationally recognized programs in the Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering; and the South Jersey Technology Park, home to the Virtual Reality Lab, we have a tremendous opportunity to develop personalized health care services that respond to the escalation in the amount of medical data collected from personal electronics,” said Rowan’s Dr. Shreekanth Mandayam, vice president for Research.
“Having a [Big Data Resource] portal that provides seamless access to public data sources, state-of-the-art data analytics tools, publications and other related information can be a tremendous resource for researchers, students and practitioners,” stated Dr. Manish Parashar, a Rutgers University New Brunswick NJBDA representative and professor of computer science who is currently seeking funding for the portal.
For Bigdata training in Chennai
“Rowan University is exceptionally suited to host this symposium, given our growing presence in the Big Data arena. With two medical schools and associated hospitals handling more than a one and a half million patient visits; nationally recognized programs in the Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering; and the South Jersey Technology Park, home to the Virtual Reality Lab, we have a tremendous opportunity to develop personalized health care services that respond to the escalation in the amount of medical data collected from personal electronics,” said Rowan’s Dr. Shreekanth Mandayam, vice president for Research.
“Having a [Big Data Resource] portal that provides seamless access to public data sources, state-of-the-art data analytics tools, publications and other related information can be a tremendous resource for researchers, students and practitioners,” stated Dr. Manish Parashar, a Rutgers University New Brunswick NJBDA representative and professor of computer science who is currently seeking funding for the portal.
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